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FD70-160NS Series

Built to combine exceptional lifting performance with money-saving fuel economy, the TREXiA 7.0 tonne diesel counterbalance is the ultimate forklift for demanding applications. Highly intuitive to drive, TREXiA provides the precise, quiet and effortless performance that enables operators to maximise their potential, whatever the working environment. Year in, year out. In short, it’s everything you’d expect from a Mitsubishi forklift... and then some.


Model Load Capacity
FD70NM 7000 kg
FD70NMS 7000 kg
FD70NH 7000 kg
FD80NH 8000 kg
FD100NH 10000 kg
FD100NL 10000 kg
FD115NL 11500 kg
FD120NL 12000 kg
FD135NL 13500 kg
FD150SNL 15000 kg
FD160SNL 16000 kg